The Detrimental Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Conditioning

Athletic training demands discipline, dedication, and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. We meticulously follow strict routines, monitor nutrition, and prioritize sleep to optimize performance. I’m sure we all know it, whether we want to admit it or not, but there's one specific factor that can severely hinder our progress and jeopardize our athletic goals: alcohol. While the occasional drink might seem harmless, the detrimental effects of alcohol on athletic training are significant and almost always underestimated.

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Thomas MacPherson
Revolutionizing Triathlon Training with AI: Unveiling the Potential through Human Physiology

As you likely have gathered, data is what drives us here at TRI&TRI Coaching Group. It is what has allowed us to set ourselves apart. AI has the potential to revolutionize triathlon training by leveraging data-driven insights from wearables and performance trackers that nearly everyone is sporting these days. Monitoring heart rate variability, lactate threshold, and oxygen consumption provides a holistic view of an athlete's physiological responses, night and day! AI algorithms process this data to personalize training plans, ensuring optimal adaptation and reducing the risk of overtraining. AI has the potential to analyze each individual athletes trends over the course of the training history and predict a 80% risk of injury when training load is at “X” number and HRV has plummeted to “Y” value. Better yet, the more data you gather, i.e. the longer your training age, the more accurate it will get. It can even teach itself to find trends that the regular coach isn’t even looking for known as “unsupervised” machine learning. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it may sound.

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Thomas MacPherson
"Superpower Calculator": A Run Through of the Latest Tool for Running with Power

Recently, Steve Palladino (Facebook group: Palladino Power Project), Steve Bateman (Facebook group: from1runner2another) and Alex Tran ( released a spreadsheet that they titled “Superpower Calculator (v1).” These amazing coaches have released this spreadsheet free of charge and it can be found at Steve Palladino’s Facebook group. I wanted to take a quick moment to run through a scenario so that you can use this spreadsheet for your benefit.

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Thomas MacPherson
Strain vs. Stress: A Small but Significant Distinction

Strain and Stress. What are they? Why are they important? How can we utilize them most effectively? With the explosion of more affordable training devices such as heart rate monitors and power meters, athletes are becoming much more familiar with a concept known as “training stress”. More specifically, athletes are using training stress scores (TSS) to help guide them in their training with incredible success. For me personally, this is an absolute staple in my training and coaching. Before diving into this form of training, however, I feel that some issues need clarification in order to maximize your success.

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Thomas MacPherson
The Importance of Proper Pacing - A Case Study

Today, I’d like to talk to you about the importance of proper pacing in your race strategy. I’m sure you’ve all heard it time and time again, but implementing it is a much different story. I’m hoping that today’s case study will demonstrate how incredibly important this is to your race strategy and ultimate success.

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Thomas MacPherson